Institutional Distinctiveness

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Community Service is in the priority of the institution.The distinctiveness of the college reflects in its capacity to supplement the needs of local community. College play a major role in fulfilling the aspirations of local population. It is back bone for social and physical/recreation activities of the people residing in the vicinity of the college.Their daily activities are largely dependent upon college.However, college has to pay for it in the form of high maintenance cost and damage to its infrastructural facilities. Its strategic location attracts students from both the Urban and Rural surroundings. The aim of the college is to educate and uplift the backward and down-trodden and to instill a feeling of security among them. The College fulfills the dream of higher education of students from rural areas and weaker sections of society.More than 70% of currently enrolled students are from socially backward,down-trodden and economically weaker sections of the society.

The pond of the college;

There is a beautiful pond with frolicking swans in the middle of the campus.Fish farming is also done in this pond. Most pious festival of Bihar ‘Chhath’ is celebrated at the banks of the pond of the college.Thousand of devotees gather during two days rituals of Chhat Festival.The banks become the meeting points of the people to their near and dear ones’ who came all across the country and abroad to celebrate the festival with their family.In Chhath Pooja,the banks of the pond are well decorated and adequate lighting is arranged by the college.All the facilities of the devotees are taken care of by the College.

Free Education to women

College imparts free education for all girl students in line with the Bihar Government policy.

Well -Maintained Campus

The College campus is beautiful and well-maintained which is accessible to local community.Campus is neat and clean and surrounded by lush green trees.It has a lush green garden and a beautiful pond which attracts the local community.An open gym and yoga centre has also been set up in the campus.Currently our campus is an ideal place for walk,yoga,meditation,jogging,exercise and to attain utmost peace.In the morning and evening,the campus is full of hundreds of local people and children who come here for walking,playing and doing exercise.All this makes our campus vibrant and divine. It is worth mentioning here that there is no other such park is available in the city.Therefore, The college ground is a boon for the locales.

Shopping Complex of the College

A shopping complex has been constructed on the vacant land of college outside the campus.It caters to the need of the local community as well as generates internal resources for the College.This is an innovative experiment of its kind in the University which differentiates it from other colleges.
Moreover,pre-examination training centre has been established in the college to provide guidance for competitive examinations to students of BC and EBC category.Creche facility is available in the college for college staff as well as students.

Student Information System

This section will deal with all the information pertaining to a student such as personal, academic as well as digital document and student report.

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