Non - Teaching Staff

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Non Teaching Staff

Sl No. Pic Name Designation Highest Qualification Mobile No
1 Mr. Abhishek Kumar Anand LDC .. 0123456789
2 Mr. Lalit Kumar Yadav IV GRADE ... 0123456789
3 Mr. Santosh Kumar IV GRADE .. 0123456789
4 Mr. Lal Babu IV GRADE ... 0123456789
5 Mr. Sanjay Kumar IV GRADE .. 0123456789
6 Mrs. Sudama Devi IV GRADE .. 0123456789
7 Mr. Md Wahidul Haque IV GRADE .. 0123456789
8 Mr. Ajit Ram IV GRADE .. 0123456789
9 Mr. Bijendra Prasad Singh IV GRADE .. 0123456789
10 Mr. Ram Rekha Sahni IV GRADE .. 0123456789
11 Mr. Birlal Ram IV GRADE .. 0123456789
12 Mr. Chhotan Kr Pathak IV GRADE ... 0123456789
13 Mr. Kalayan Kr Singh IV GRADE ... 0123456789
14 Mr. Mohan Kumar IV GRADE ... 0123456789
15 Mr. Raja Kumar LDC ... 0123456789
16 Mr. Avinash Chandra Jha LDC .. 0123456789
17 Mrs. Nirmala Kumari Demonstrator .. 0123456789
18 Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Computer Operator ... 0123456789
19 Mr. Gopal Prasad Bhagat Sorter ... 0123456789
20 Mr. Ashutosh Chandramauli LDC / Officiating Accountant ... 0123456789
21 Mr. Desh Bandhu R C ... 0123456789
22 Mr. Binod Kumar Das Typist / Officiating Head Clerk ... 0123456789

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